How to Buy Edibles Online: A Buyer’s Guide

Welcome to the wonderful world of online edible shopping! Whether you’re a seasoned stoner or a curious newbie wondering how to buy edibles online, you’ve probably noticed that the once DIY treat is now widely available on the internet. So, can you buy edibles online? The answer is yes – buying edibles online is now easier […]

Do Edibles Expire: Everything You Need to Know

Edibles are food products that contain cannabinoids derived from cannabis plants. You can find edibles in just about any form – gummies, baked goods, drinks, candies, and oils for cooking – which raises the question “do edibles expire?” Shelf life for different edibles will vary depending on several factors we’ll discuss below. Even so, it’s […]

Are Edibles Legal? Guide to 100% Federally Legal Edibles*

Certain states within the US have legalized cannabis edibles with conditions. Are edibles legal in your state? A quick Google search will answer the question of whether edibles are legal in your state – but be sure to take it all with a grain of salt. Your best bet is to speak to a legal representative […]